December 19, 2020

What Season Are You In?

This is an important question for athletes, trainers, avid gym-goers as well as anyone who likes
to work out, stay healthy, and keep good form.

Here is a synopsis of what my season looks like.
I just finished the most challenging race season, which started in June and ended
in September. I took a 3.5-week break to absorb all the work done during the
Summer race season. After the break, I knew it would not be advantageous to continue
speed training. Fall gives way to winter quickly and I know I could achieve the most gains by
focusing on endurance work before the days become shorter. I took advantage of the late
afternoon temperatures and packed in a bunch of 4-hour rides and 2-hour runs before daylight
savings. Looking ahead to December, I will put the race car (my body) in the shop and do a complete
overhaul with rest, yoga, stretching, massage, light aerobic, and functional strength movement.

It is important to know where you are at in every season. I know when to go fast, when to back
off (sometimes), and when to rebuild the foundation.

Let’s go back to where I started…
_ What season are you in today?
_ Did you have an active Summer with plenty of hiking?
_ Did environmental circumstances curb your exercise?
_ Are you ready to get back into a routine?
_ What are you doing to prepare your legs and lungs for the upcoming ski season?
_ Are you preparing for the holidays and beginning to change your habits?

To achieve the most gains consistently, we need to know when to build, when to push, when to
pull back, and finally when to rebuild.

“Together we can set goals, achieve them, create lasting healthy habits, and strengthen your body to meet the demands of the life you want to live.” – Casey Adams

We invite you to make a FREE consultation appointment with me to learn how we can meet your goals. The hardest part is getting started. I’ve made it easy and included the link for the appointment here.

*Disclaimer: Casey has made health and safety a priority. He is COVID-19 FREE and will follow the necessary parameters to continue to stay healthy.


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