Strength and Endurance Coaching

After completing my 14th IRONMAN branded triathlon in 2019 I have learned a few things about the balance of strength and endurance. Strength, force production and power must be present to push your all day pace or endurance efforts to competitive levels. If one area is out of balance our ability to go further and faster becomes labored. Now that’s not to say that every athlete and coach get it right every season. Many times life happens and we have to adapt but planning for balance in these areas makes strength and endurance coaching very crucial to an athletes’ season.
When I am coaching athletes through a strength phase I interview them to find out where they are in their season. This makes my job of strength and endurance coaching much easier. Athletes need to be as strong as possible coming into their race season training and race season. Strong athletes can meet and exceed the abilities of athletes who have better technique, but also have a smaller ‘motor’ Because their powerful muscles can keep going and going!
Strength and Endurance Coaching is a delicate art when it comes to balancing strength with the ability to outlast your competition. Endurance is the ability to go further and faster, efficiently. Well trained athletes with similar heart rate profiles will so the same work as less trained athletes, finish at the same time, but expended much less energy- therefore having more in the tank when starting the run or your sport of choice. The key is dosing intensity and duration to polarize our pace.
How do I balance strength and endurance?
Have you ever seen a body builder run a marathon?
At Aspen Pro Fitness, we operate on an annual fitness curriculum that places training specificity and training loads on the body at certain times of the year in certain doses. The strength and endurance coaching models I have created build your strength with lean muscle and weight training. I begin to add in the cardio conditioning and continue to program the balance of the two and periodically test your power output. After the conditioning phase is complete we’re off to the races.
As a coach and athlete I know how important time, resources and trusting the knowledge of another person is. I promise to deliver quality programming that fits with your lifestyle and weekly rhythm. We’ll place the framework needed to achieve your goals into your schedule, encouraging you every step of the way. This is how I train myself, my wife and are trained by my coach. Want to improve your abilities in your sport? No matter what your level is I’m here for you. Give us a call and let’s get to work.