Can you really get a good workout without being in person? Is this experience enjoyable? Back to our first question, “Is ZOOM effective for personal training?”
The answer to all these questions is, YES.
How it all started.
As you all know in March of 2020, many of us were forced out of our comfort zone (gyms) and forced into quarantine at home. I was forced to adapt and be creative to stay safe, healthy, and to continue to train clients. Additionally, my wife and I wanted to continue to work out (as is there any other option). The solution…We converted our spare bedroom into a home gym. We outfitted it into a studio with online recording and streaming capabilities. Over time, I became proficient in personal training online with ZOOM and started marketing to clients all over the world.
The next question to ask, “How does it work?”
I’m glad you asked! ZOOM Personal training sessions are generally hour-long workouts where an exercise professional leads you through a workout that is specific to your body and your training schedule. We’ve seen great results from our clients that have made the switch and continue with their training. Today, they are happy, healthy, and have not lost any fitness.
The Good news…
95% of all clients who started personal training online with ZOOM have continued to train with me. Many clients train 1, 2, and even 3 times a week online. They will tell you my workouts are no less specific and are just as challenging! Through this process, we have learned to communicate more clearly, enjoy ourselves more, and become proficient in our technical faculties. Personal training on ZOOM proves to be effective.
Conclusion: Personal training online with ZOOM is easier than you think.
The benefits of Personal Training online zoom training are numerous:
1. EFFICIENT: There is no time wasted before or after your workout
2. SAFETY: You are completely safe in the comfort of your home.
3. PRIVACY: The session is completely private.
4. ADAPTED EXERCISES: Little or no equipment is needed as I have adapted hundreds of weight training exercises into bodyweight exercises.
5. FOCUSED: Every minute counts!

What would it look like for me to start personal training via zoom?
It is easier than you think! Once you have registered via vagaro, you will receive an email or text reminder with the zoom link to start your session. You do not need a paid Zoom account. You do need a comfortable space, workout clothes, and any equipment you have. ZOOM can be accessed in multiple ways: a laptop, computer or even stream through your TV. Then we are ready to go!
What’s the rundown?
Casey Adams, that’s me, will be your personal trainer and will create a custom workout to meet your needs. Feel free to Sign-in a few minutes early to get started with our warmup right away! After warming up, observe me, and then I’ll observe you. Throughout each workout, I will carefully instruct and coach you to perform with good form. If you do not like a certain move or your form cannot be corrected, we can adapt to what works best for you! Each training program is customized and made specifically for each client – it’s not a make it up as you go routine! All workouts are recorded and can be shared for viewing at a later time.